New Year, New Content Goals: 10 Fun and Practical Business Resolutions for 2025

Ah, the New Year—the time when companies everywhere get out their metaphorical notepads, flip to a fresh page, and start making big promises to improve. While some are committing to bigger profits, new software, or installing that fancy coffee machine, we’re here to talk about resolutions that make actual improvements. (No shade to fancy coffee, of course.)

It’s a year full of potential to shake things up! So, grab your pens, your strategic plans, and maybe even a thesaurus (trust us), and let’s dive into some resolutions every forward-thinking business should consider if they want their content game strong in 2025.

Person reading an instruction manual. Text under image reads: “The reader, we must remember, does not start by knowing what we mean. If our words are ambiguous, our meaning will escape him. I sometimes think that writing is like driving sheep down a road. If there is any gate open to the left or right the reader will most certainly go into it.” -C.S. Lewis, Award-winning author

Resolution #1: Write It Down, or it Didn’t Happen

You might think your software or product is self-explanatory, but if customers are bombarding your support team, or employees are giving you that “What on earth does this mean?” look, it’s time to document like you mean it.

Make it a point to create detailed, user-friendly documentation for every process, feature, and product update. Go ahead, over-explain! Write as if every reader is a time-traveling medieval knight who just arrived in 2025 and has never even seen a toaster before. If your instructions can guide a knight through the mysteries of troubleshooting a Wi-Fi connection, then you’re probably on the right track.

Pro tip: Hire someone who actually likes writing detailed documentation and can translate tech speak into “normal person language.” This will save you from convoluted guides that sound like they were written by a robot who once read a dictionary.

Person wearing headphones working at laptop computer. Text under image reads: “When it comes to eLearning, content means everything. If eLearning content is not masterfully designed, all the rest will just go down the drain.” -Christopher Pappas, Founder, eLearning Industry.

Resolution #2: Train Like You Mean It

When it comes to instructional design, everyone wants the next-level experience—training that’s as fun as it is informative. But let’s face it, it’s all too easy for training to be, well… a snooze. We’ve all sat through that one session where the best part was the doughnuts.

Commit to making your training programs engaging and memorable. And no, you don’t have to transform every presentation into a rock concert. A few upgrades will go a long way. Consider interactive modules, gamification, or video-based learning. Want to really wow your employees? Surprise them with a choose-your-own-adventure format for their onboarding materials. (“Congratulations! You made it through cybersecurity training without clicking a phishing link! Advance three spaces!”)

Pro tip: Keep it real. Don’t spend a fortune making overly flashy courses if the content doesn’t need it. And for the love of all things technical, don’t slap on a stock photo of people high-fiving in an office. If your training is good, your employees will stay engaged without the cheesy stock photography.

Neuron cell. Text under image reads: “A robust knowledge management system is becoming the central nervous system of today’s hybrid and remote-first companies. A modern organization trying to function without a modern knowledge management system is sort of like a human being trying to function without a brain.” ― Sagi Eliyahu, CEO, Tonkean

Resolution #3: Turn Knowledge into Power (a.k.a., Get Serious about Knowledge Management)

The beginning of a new year is a perfect time to tackle the monolith that is knowledge management. Every company wants their teams to be efficient, but when your knowledge is scattered across multiple platforms—or worse, locked in the brain from Colin in Accounts—it’s time to rein things in. Consolidate and organize your information so it’s available, accessible, and useful.

A good knowledge management system (KMS) isn’t just a fancy internal wiki. It’s the secret to making sure everyone, from the newest intern to the CEO, knows what’s going on and where to find important information. Imagine an organized repository with all the answers: policies, FAQs, that one process for reordering toner—it’s all there, neatly organized and ready for reference. The result? Fewer bottlenecks, less wasted time, and happier employees who know what they’re doing.

Pro tip: Don’t just drop all your information in one place and call it a day. A well-structured KMS has categories, intuitive tags, and clear instructions so people can find what they need without losing their minds.

Person with confused look on their face using cell phone while looking at a laptop computer. Text under image reads: “One-third of working Americans think jargon is being used because it’s more convenient, because it makes people feel like they're part of the team, and because it can help build workplace culture,” says McCaskill. “But its use is double-sided, and while likely not intentional, overuse of jargon in the workplace can actually do more harm than good by excluding those without a grasp on the terms, while favoring those who understand and use jargon.” -Andrew McCaskill, LinkedIn Career Expert

Resolution #4: Banish the Jargon Jungle

Nothing derails good content like a jargon-heavy mess of acronyms and obscure references that only two people in the company understand. Let’s make this the year of keeping it clear.

Try this simple trick: ask a non-tech-savvy friend or relative to review your documentation or training materials. If they can’t understand it without sending you an SOS, it’s back to the drawing board. Remember, if people are using a glossary just to make it through your training, you’ve gone too far.

Pro tip: If you really must include industry-specific jargon, consider creating a “translations” sidebar or interactive glossary. Even better, hire a technical writer to help keep things sharp, straightforward, and accessible.

Person in business suit, holding up measuring tape, standing next to a large graph showing growth. Text under image reads: “All the measurement in the world is useless if you don’t make changes based on the data.” -Amber Naslund, Senior Content Marketer, LinkedIn

Resolution #5: Measure the Magic

It’s easy to roll out training or a new document and just hope it “sticks.” But that approach leaves a lot of room for guessing. Get scientific about your impact! With the right metrics, you can finally answer questions like: “Did people actually read the new onboarding guide?” and “Did that compliance training we spent four months on even make a difference?”

Metrics like completion rates, test scores, and feedback loops can reveal whether your initiatives are working—or if they’re just there to take up digital space. Embrace the power of analytics and turn data into action. Who knew knowledge management could be this high-tech?

Pro tip: Don’t overwhelm yourself with 50 different metrics. Focus on a few key ones, track those consistently, and keep refining your approach.

Two smiling people sitting at table in conference room. Text below image reads: “Eighty-five percent of the reasons for failure are deficiencies in the systems and process rather than the employee. The role of management is to change the process rather than badgering individuals to do better.” W. Edwards Deming American management consultant"

Resolution #6: Remember the People Behind the Process

In the rush to streamline, systematize, and optimize, it’s easy to forget that documentation, training, and knowledge management all come down to people. Keep it human, and think about how your employees use the materials you create.

It’s one thing to have beautifully written guides and comprehensive training. But if employees are drowning in unnecessary information, or the knowledge management system is too clunky, then it’s time to simplify. Engage employees in the process by asking what they find most helpful, and make it a priority to meet their real needs. After all, there’s no point in a perfect process that no one uses.

Pro tip: Plan a feedback day! Let employees weigh in on what works, what doesn’t, and what would make their lives easier. You’ll get valuable insights and show everyone that their voices matter.

"Keep Clam and Proofread" with a clam shell above it. Text under image reads: "“Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.” Author Unknown "

Resolution #7: Treat Your Content Like It’s Going Public

While your technical documentation and training materials may be “internal only,” resolve to treat them like they’re on public display. Clear, professional content isn’t just good for internal use—it’s also a reflection of your company’s standards.

If your documentation reads like someone’s weekend side project, people notice. But if your content is clear, accessible, and even enjoyable, your team (and your clients) will feel the difference. Think of it this way: professional documentation can build trust, improve onboarding, and save you endless support calls.

Pro tip: Consider bringing in a pro. An experienced technical writer or instructional designer can be the key to turning your materials into customer-ready assets that elevate your company’s reputation.

Black and white comic strip showing people how to make orange juice. Text under image reads: Making concepts more clear and more fun are both great goals! Making things fun can be a good way to make people pay attention and make hard concepts seem less intimidating! - Julia Evans, Software Developer. (Comic by Bradley Stemke at"

Resolution #8: Have Some Fun with It

Who says all this must be boring? Engage your employees with a touch of humor, a pop of personality, or a dash of creativity. Not everything has to read like a court transcript—infuse some life into it!

Consider adding quirky icons, amusing examples, or even a “Did You Know?” fun fact section in your documents or training. It doesn’t have to be over-the-top—just a little something to remind everyone that we’re all humans here.

Pro tip: Balance is key. Keep it professional but approachable. And remember: a little humor can go a long way in making dry material memorable.

Three people sitting around a laptop on a table. Text under image reads: “Knowledge mapping plays a critical role in fostering innovation by enabling knowledge managers to visualize knowledge assets and flows. This can help KM managers work with the department leads to streamline processes, reduce redundancy, and identify opportunities for innovation, thus enabling the organizations to leverage their intellectual resources more efficiently and effectively for staying successful in the very competitive and agile business landscape.” – Ekta Sachania, Manager, Knowledge Management, Fujitsu Asia Pacific”

Resolution #9: Embrace the Power of Visuals

Sometimes no amount of carefully chosen words can convey a concept quite like a good diagram, flowchart, or (if we’re being honest) a meme. Why not make your materials more visually engaging? People process visuals faster than text, and a well-placed image can make complex instructions clear as day.

Consider using screenshots in your documentation, infographics in your training materials, and visuals in your knowledge management system to break down dense information. 

Pro tip: If design isn’t your strength, there are plenty of tools that make it easy—no graphic design degree required. (See Technical Writing: Principles and Characteristics for more tools.) Or, better yet, bring in a visual designer to make sure everything is clean, clear, and professional.

Three smiling people looking at one computer. Text under image reads: “Your team needs access to the most accurate information at all times, and they must be able to trust your knowledge base. This is especially important for rapidly growing enterprises. Employees need access to the latest knowledge and resources so they can react to changing conditions and support evolving company goals.” -Starmind

Resolution #10: Keep Your Content Fresh and Updated

The speed of change in tech and business is dizzying—what was cutting-edge last January might be outdated by June. And nothing says “we’re a little behind” like a KMS filled with instructions for software that no longer exists. Commit to regular content audits to keep everything up-to-date and accurate.

Set a schedule to review and update your documents, training materials, and knowledge base every quarter. This doesn’t have to be a massive overhaul; sometimes, it’s as simple as swapping out a few terms or refreshing a screenshot. Think of it as spring cleaning for your content—out with the old, in with the relevant.

Pro tip: Make this a team effort! Assign someone to “own” each part of your content ecosystem, so there’s always a point person keeping things current and accurate. You’ll save your employees time, cut down on frustration, and keep everyone working with the latest information.

Final Thoughts: A New Year, A New Era of Clarity

So here we are, armed with 10 resolutions that can transform your company. Whether it’s revamping old documentation, creating dynamic training, or simply making sure your content doesn’t put people to sleep, each of these goals is a step toward a better, brighter, and far more organized 2025.

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Bova, Tiffani. “5 Factors That Make for a Great Employee Experience.” Harvard Business Review. 7/11/23. Accessed 7/15/24. 

Eliyahu, Sagi. “Knowledge management in the hybrid work era: 4 key insights.” KMWorld. 3/18/22. Accessed 11/26/24. 

Evans, Julia. “How to teach technical concepts with cartoons.” Julia Evans. Accessed 9/11/24. 

“Funny Writing Quotes.” ErmiliaBlog. 4/3/13. Accessed 11/27/24. 

“Measurement Quotes.” Accessed 2/21/24. 

Muehlenberg, Bill. “C.S. Lewis on Writing and Writers. CultureWatch. 3/5/24. Accessed 10/7/24. 

Mugwe, Ruth. “Internal Wiki Guide: How to Create One + Best Software to Use [2023].” Helpjuice. 10/3/24. Accessed 11/27/24. 

Pappas, Christopher. “23 Inspirational eLearning Quotes For eLearning Professionals.” eLearning Industry. 7/6/21. Accessed 11/27/24. 

Perna, Mark C. “How Using Workplace Jargon Can Help (or Hurt) Your Career. Forbes. 7/5/23. Accessed 11/26/24. 

Sachania, Ekta. “Are you Knowledge-Mapping your Organization’s Knowledge Yet? KMI. 4/6/24. Accessed 9/26/24. 

“What is knowledge management and why is it so important?” Starmind. 4/5/23. Accessed 11/27/24.