learning from experience

Case Studies

reading is everything

important milestones

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Street sign partially underwater.

Preparing for Business Disruptions: BCPs, DRPs, and BCDRs

The ability to respond effectively to disruptions is not optional – it’s a necessity. You have probably heard of business continuity plans (BCPs) and disaster recovery plans (DRPs), but have you heard of business continuity and disaster recovery plans (BCDRs)? Simply put, a BCDR is a combination of a BCP and a DRP, and is critical for the survival and success of any organization.

Person using computer to create illustrations.

Boost Your Documentation with These Versatile Visual Tools

Today’s technical writers can choose from a diverse range of tools to produce high-quality content with ease. Whether you’re crafting a presentation, designing graphics, or creating tutorials, having the right platform can can elevate your projects and streamline your workflow.

Person wearing white hard hat and orange safety gear using a remote to control a machine.

The Crucial Role of On-the-Job Training in Rebuilding America’s Workforce

Did you know that 80 percent of high schoolers value on-the-job training (OJT) over other post-secondary education options, including a four-year degree? By incorporating microlearning techniques into OJF, you can address skills gap while acommodating the diverse learning preferences of today’s workforce.

Why Training Employees in AI is Critical for Future-Proofing Your Business

From enhancing customer service through chatbots to improving supply chain management through predictive analytics, AI has proven to be a game-changer for businesses across all industries. As organizations increasingly turn to AI to stay competitive, it’s equally crucial that they train their employees in how to use AI effectively.

Conquering KM Challenges: Strategies to Win Over the C-Suite

Knowledge management (KM) systems are more than just the latest thing—they’re a necessity. However, the road to a successful KM system is often obstructed by one major roadblock: resistance from the C-suite. Overcoming this resistance is key to unlocking the full potential of KM systems. Let’s learn why this happens and what solutions work best to ensure a thriving KM system.

Smiling person wearing headphones working at a laptop computer on a desk.

Why eLearning is Essential for Creating Agile, Inclusive, and Impactful Leaders

According to Gallup, supporting and developing managers is critical to business success, as they account for 70 percent of the variance in their team’s engagement. The need for strong, adaptive leaders is in increasing demand, and eLearning has become essential for effective leadership development.