What Myers-Briggs Personality Types Make the Best Technical Writers?

Not everyone fits into a technical writing career. Typically, technical writers are very logical and analytical. They identify as lifelong learners and find enjoyment in breaking down complex information into a logical, understandable sequence. But do any studies indicate the types of personalities that tend to be the best technical writers?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI, is an introspective self-report where you answer a list of questions that indicate differing psychological preferences. After answering all the MBTI’s questions, you fall into 1 of 16 personalities that describe how you perceive the world and how you make decisions. Various websites often indicate the career paths that best fit your personality. Statistically, research shows that INFJs (Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, Judging) and INFPs (Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving) tend to be the best writers. But before we dig deeper into these two personality types, keep in mind that you can be any personality type and still be an excellent writer. 

The INFJ Personality

Young blonde woman wearing an off-white sweater sits at a desk in a long hallway, working on a laptop. INFJS tend to be very logical and analytical, with the ability to interpret information and make choices quickly. They are very future-focused and try to see all the possibilities at hand,  always looking for the newest and best ways to complete their projects. INFJs are very detail-oriented and like structure, finding fulfillment in outlining their day-to-day work, and thrive on deadlines where they can check off important tasks. INFJs work to understand other people and need to find a purpose in their work. They enjoy making a difference in other people’s lives by providing solutions to problems. That’s why INFJ technical writers collaborate well and excel in situations where acquire new information that is difficult to understand.

The INFP Personality

Unlike INFJs, INFPs prefer more creative environments and are curious by nature. They don’t enjoy structure and checklist-making as much as INFJs. INFPs thrive when encouraged to share their ideas and insights. They can turn the driest of topics into engaging and readable content. Like INFJS, INFPs desire to make a difference in people’s lives. They tend to be easygoing and desire authentic conversations with people. INFPs value growth, ethics, and individualism, and they work well with their peers and managers. Even though the INFJ and INFP seem very similar, their differences complement each other and form a work environment that is customer service-oriented and promotes growth and creativity, and is solution-based.

Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type? Take the MBTI test today and see what your personality type is. You’ll be surprised at how accurate they are with how you relate to the world and the people around you.

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